Diamond - April birthstone

DIAMOND: The gem that illuminates the earth


Diamonds, often touted as a girl's best friend, are not just sparkling gemstones, but symbols of everlasting love, luxury, and elegance. Revered for their brilliance, diamonds have captured the hearts of many and held a special place in the world of gemstones.

Diamonds, derived from the Greek word "adamas" meaning invincible, are formed deep within the Earth's mantle under extreme pressure and temperatures.  It takes millions of years for carbon atoms to crystallize into the clear hard substance that we know as a diamond. 


When it comes to diamonds in jewellery, the four Cs- Carat, Cut, Clarity, and Colour are crucial:


* Carat measures the weight of the diamond. Larger diamonds are rarer and thus more valuable.

* Cut determines how well the diamond reflects light, contributing to its brilliance. A well cut diamond sparkles brightly.

* Clarity refers to the presence of internal or external flaws, known as inclusions and blemishes.Diamonds with fewer flaws have greater clarity.

* Colour: Diamonds are graded based on the presence of any colour. The most valuable diamonds are colourless. Although blue and pink are considered highly collectable.


Known for their exceptional hardness, diamonds score a perfect 10 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, making them one of the most durable natural materials. Diamonds come in various colours, with white or colourless diamonds being the most sought after. As already mentioned the cut of a diamond also plays a crucial role in enhancing its brilliance and fire.  Popular diamond cuts such a round brilliant, princess and emerald cut are designed to maximize the gem's reflective properties and shine.


Beyond their physical attributes, diamonds hold significant symbolism in various cultures.  Traditionally associated with eternal love and commitment, diamonds are often used in engagement rings and wedding bands as a symbol of enduring relationships. In ancient times, diamonds were believed to possess mystical powers and offer protection against harm.

Their use in jewellery, from engagement rings to stunning necklaces, continues to captivate people worldwide.